Let’s get straight to the drop.
We offer the best EDM Soundcloud promotion service in the market.
Work with us on one track and we guarantee you’ll be back for all your future releases too. We accept all genres of electronic music including Electro, House, Techno, Trance, Dubstep, Drum & Bass…. No Pop, Rock or Hip Hop, sorry!
Blogs and magazines are an important part of music marketing. But the big players receive thousands of emails every day making it impossible to hear everything they’re sent. So of course, you end up spending less time on PR and more time on getting plays.
And that’s when you come across a big shiny promise – pay a certain amount and you can get all the fake plays you want.
But stay away from buying fake plays. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Fake plays will hurt you more than anything else as they’re super easy to spot. You’ll lose all credibility, lose all access to Soundcloud’s charts and lose a huge amount of potential exposure.
That’s a lot of losing.
Here’s why you win with Midnite Blaster:
- Be heard, loved, shared and reposted by an extensive Soundcloud network of over 15 million followers.
- Be heard by talent agencies, headlining DJs, producers and record labels. In other words, the gatekeepers of our industry and all their fans too! If your music is good enough, the possibilities are endless!
Is it Expensive?
You get what you pay for. Our prices aren’t the cheapest, but that’s because we guarantee that your tracks will be played in front of key tastemakers and decision makers of the music industry.
Entry Policy
Just like the clubs and venues that you’ll be headlining, we also have entry standards.
We’ll attend to all interests but we can’t accept every submission.
Our music feed is of a high standard and we need to preserve this to keep our discerning followers happy, fist-pumping and growing!
But if your music is not up to scratch yet, we do have in-house ghost producers and sound engineers.
Why us?
There’s a lot of people offering Soundcloud promotion out there. Some are good, some are bad.
Like we said in the beginning, we’re the best in the business.
Stay away from websites that accept every submission from every genre. It’s impossible to guarantee good exposure without a strong moderation process.
We only handle EDM. We know this industry inside out. That’s what we love and that’s where our connections are.